India-China Border Dispute in 2009 – Part 4/4

October 12, 2010

Since the 1962 war, China and India have continued to argue about the disputed area that was created by British Explorer McMahon in the 19th century.

Parts of the frontier are still in dispute, including a portion of Kashmir and the eastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.

The area in dispute now is Ladakh. For centuries, Ladakh was an independent kingdom but is now part of India. There are obvious cultural links with China.

In this area, no one knows where India ends and China begins.  China and India still share the biggest stretch of disputed border in the world divided by Nepal and Bhutan from Arunachal Pradesh in the south to Kashmir in the north.

Al Jazerra English – Renewed Tension Over India-China Border

P. Chidambaram, India’s Interior Minister says that it is a disputed border area.  He says that violations have taken place and are resolved by talking to each other (China with India).

India says the border violations were probably a mistake, but China says they never happened.

Diplomatic letters that Al Jazeera managed to get hold of show that both India and China are not telling the truth.  Indian nomads wondered into Chinese occupied territory and were warned to leave or face the consequences.

The diplomatic letters also show that China does not accept that the area is disputed.  Instead, China says it is their territory.

The Indian army had a heavy military presence on India’s side of the border. The Al Jazeera reporters could not visit the Chinese side.

Return to Part 3 of China and India at War in 1962 or start with Part 1


Lloyd Lofthouse is the award-winning author of the concubine saga, My Splendid Concubine & Our Hart. When you love a Chinese woman, you marry her family and culture too. 

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China and India at War in 1962 – Part 2/4

October 10, 2010

In the embedded video are actual battle scenes from the China-Indian conflict of 1962. Since the Chinese shot this footage, it is obvious that the dialogue has been propagandized.

India’s Nehru government repeatedly rejected China’s requests to negotiate the border dispute over the McMahon Line, which British Explorer McMahon drew on a map during the 19th century.

Instead, the Indian army built bases and outposts in the disputed area.

Chinese troops then strengthened their defenses in the disputed area.

India sent patrols into territory occupied by Chinese troops and the Indian troops were captured.

On June 4, 1962, Indian troops set up outposts deep in the disputed territory.

On September 8, 1962, Chinese troops surrounded the Indian troops to stop further advances.

In the middle of September, Chinese intelligence reported that the Indian army would soon attack.

India’s Seventh Brigade was deployed to the area to launch Operation Leghorn.

On October 9, 1962, he Indian troops crossed the river that divided the two armies and attacked Chinese positions.

The resulting battle caused the Indian Seventh Brigade to collapse and a large number of Indian troops surrendered.

Chinese troops crossed the river and pushed south, but the Indian troops retreated faster.

Heavy Chinese artillery bombed Indian troop positions. Within days, there were many dead and wounded Indian troops.

Go to China and India at War – Part 3 or return to Part 1 of China and India at War in 1962


Lloyd Lofthouse is the award-winning author of the concubine saga, My Splendid Concubine & Our Hart. When you love a Chinese woman, you marry her family and culture too. 

If you want to subscribe to iLook China, there is a “Subscribe” button at the top of the screen in the menu bar.