Science-Based Life

Many people are liberal with their logic. If you only knew where they went wrong you could refute them. Well now you can!

Presenting the Taxonomy of Logical Fallacies!

This fully clickable and navigable outline gives you ability to learn about any logical fallacy, where it comes from, and how to spot it. Spice up your arguments with the power of Aristotle himself!

Much of pseudoscience is driven by faulty reasoning, so take a look at the chart and get out there to fight it!

[What did you think? Did I sound like a science-pitchman?]

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4 Responses to

  1. Troy Parfitt says:

    Mr. Parfitt said, “Yes, only nice comments are allowed to get through.”

    Note from Blog host — what Mr. Parfitt says is questionable since I have approved some mean-spirited comments — mostly from Mr. Parfitt. My goal with this site is to offer a forum where people are civil with each other and avoid ad hominem insults and the use of other logical fallacies because they have no better way to claim victory for their opinions when the premise is difficult to support.

    In other words, this is a forum where individuals agree to disagree but not as one would do in a verbal fight with one’s parents, spouse or friend/s, which often uses insults, gutter and sewer language as the blood pressure rises.

    In the schools where I taught for thirty years, the street-gang culture of the barrio called this “the dozens” where each arguer would attempt to out insult the other arguer [usually from a rival gang] without logic since most of these kids didn’t know the first thing about logic in the jungle of the streets where one wrong move could end in death or a vicious beating. The one that was considered the winner was the individual that used the most creative and insulting language and the crowd or mob that was watching this verbal fight that often turned physical egged them on with their cheers or jeers.

    Instead, if someone disagrees on this site, he or she should offer what Professor Hurley, the author of “A Concise Introduction to Logic” calls a “good argument” by avoiding the use of logical fallacies and “the dozens”.

    Oh, I thought this footnote worth mentioning. In the last year about 36 people searched for Troy Parfitt’s name on the Internet–six searched today.

  2. Iva P. says:

    Lloyd, thanks for the link! It’s a superb blog. So is yours.

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